Orthodontics is the area of dentistry concerned with the growth of the teeth, jaws and face.
The purpose of orthodontic treatment is to make the best of your teeth. This includes allowing you to bite correctly, eat more comfortably, and to care for your teeth and gums more easily. And your smile will benefit, too. Common conditions requiring orthodontic treatment are:
The ideal age to have orthodontic treatment is around 12 or 13, while you're still growing. The opportunity for improvement in an adult is more limited and surgery is more likely to be needed.
Treatment usually lasts from 18 months to 2 years, during which visits to Eustace Dental & Implant Clinic are needed every 4 to 6 weeks.
There are many different types of braces. Some are removable, which you take out at night, to eat a meal, or clean. Some are fixed and stay in all the time. NHS braces are made of metal, but at Eustace Dental & Implant Clinic we offer clear braces for private treatments- which use clear ceramic brackets, so you can hardly see them on your teeth.
Following completion of your course of treatment, you will be required to wear a retainer for a number of hours a day or at night, to ensure your teeth remain in their new position. Your Eustace Dental & Implant Clinic dentist will advise you of how long you need to wear your retainer for on completion of your treatment.
Orthodontics usually works very well, but it's important to look after your teeth while you're wearing braces. Braces can trap food and cause more plaque to build up than usual.
You need to take extra care cleaning your teeth and watch what you eat – for example, by avoiding sugary foods and drinks. You also need to see your dentist regularly while having orthodontic treatment.
Read more about looking after your teeth while wearing braces.
To book an initial consultation and find out more about the options available at Eustace Dental & Implant Clinic in Sevenoaks call us on 01732 452233.
Meet our Specialist Orthodontist
Manjinder Bains
Manjinder graduated as a Dental Surgeon from King's College London in 2001 with the award of two prizes in recognition of her academic achievements. She used her subsequent hospital and practice experience to develop a wide range of dental skills. This included paediatrics, oral and maxillofacial surgery, dental public health and the management of anxious patients. She simultaneously pursued two years of postgraduate study and achieved her MFDS qualification with the Royal College of Surgeons.
Manjinder then pursued her passion for Orthodontics by completing three years of full-time specialist training at Guy's hospital. She qualified there in 2008 with an MSc and MOrth, and was selected to represent Guys at on overseas exchange visit to Shanghai. Her research into orthodontic education earned a Distinction and was published in the European Journal of Dental Education. She has also published in the British Dental Journal and presented at the British Orthodontic Conference and at the British Orthodontic Society. Her professional memberships include the BOS, EOS and BDA.
Manjinder has experience in providing NHS and Private orthodontic treatment to children and adults in both hospital and specialist practice. She offers a range of treatments including invisible braces (fixed onto the inside of the teeth), clear ceramic braces, Damon braces, and other removable braces and retainers. Her aim is to provide treatment without removing teeth, to enhance facial as well as smile aesthetics for the long term. She is a down-to-earth and friendly professional who will guide you through your treatment options to determine a plan tailored to your individual needs.
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